Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hydroponic gardening made easy…
What is hydroponic gardening? It’s the science of growing plants with an inert medium like gravel, sand, pumice & even sawdust instead of soil. A nutrient solution is added to the soil-less culture that contains all the elements needed by the plant for growth. Now that we have that out of the way, wouldn’t it be great to be able to grow all your veggies & herbs in a small 14” space, using less water & not have to use traditional insecticides or fungicides too?
Local inventor/grower Chester C. Bullock has the perfect solution. He invented the HYDRO-STACKER system a vertical hydroponic growing system. I have seen these unusual systems in action at the Hydro-Taste you pick farm, it’s amazing! The HYDRO-STACKER system saves up to 400% of water usage over traditional gardens using only 3 quarts of water for 20 plants in 14 square inches. Chester believes that the system should be easy to set up, easy to use & give great results. To learn more about the Hydro-Stacker system visit for directions to the farm visit . One more thing, if you win the Backyard Makeover contest you will receive two of these innovative systems. Make sure you enter at by August 31st.

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